National Council on Disabilities Seeks Candidates for Advisory Committees

June 27, 2008

NCD is compiling a list of people who would like to be considered for membership when vacancies occur on NCD advisory committees. NCD has three advisory committees: Cultural Diversity, International Watch, and Youth.  The Cultural Diversity Advisory Committee provides advice and recommendations to NCD on issues affecting people with disabilities from culturally diverse backgrounds.  International Watch shares information on international disability issues and advises NCD on the development of policy proposals that will advocate for a foreign policy that is consistent with the values and goals of the Americans with Disabilities Act.  The Youth Advisory Committee provides advice to NCD on various issues, such as NCD's planning and priorities.  All advisory committee members are appointed for two-year terms by the NCD chair. Advisory committees meet by teleconference, and there is no cost to the advisory committee member.  Please send your letter of interest by email to [email protected]