News From the Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities (NJ UCEDD)

February 19, 2008

The Elizabeth M. Boggs Center on Developmental Disabilities (NJ UCEDD), with the New Jersey Statewide Network on Cultural Competence, sponsored a first Train the Trainer day long workshop on Friday, February 8. The workshop featured Dr. Anita McClean, Princeton University Counseling Center, helping over 60 participants explore the key ingredients and strategies for doing cultural competence training, demonstrations by several participants and co-facilitator Bill Gaventa of exercises and training materials they use, and collaborative discussion of issues, sharing of resources, and implications for application in various settings. Participants represented agencies who work in developmental disability services, at risk youth, mental health, community health, aging, corrections, and health care, which meant that one key ingredient was helping others to see disability issues in the context of diversity. Notes, suggestions, and resources from the day will be available from The Boggs Center.