Predictive Multiscale Models of the Physiome in Health and Disease (R01)

Submission Date: January 14, 2008

Estimated average size of awards: Vary by proposal
Letters of Intent:  12/14/2007
Application Deadlines: 1/14/2008

The goal is to move the field of biomedical computational modeling forward through the development of more realistic and predictive models of health and disease. These models may be designed to uncover biological mechanisms or to make predictions about clinical outcome and may draw on a variety of data sources including relevant clinical data. Ultimately the models and the information derived from their use will enable researchers and clinicians to better understand, prevent, diagnose and treat the diseases or aberrations in normal development. The specific objectives are to develop multiscale models that are physiologically mechanistic and biomedically relevant, to bring together modeling and biomedical expertise to collaborate on building models, to validate and test models with standard datasets, and to develop models that can be explicitly shared with other modelers. Because the nature and scope of the proposed research will vary from application to application, it is anticipated that the size and duration of each award will also vary.

For more information, please visit the NIH grants webpage.