Utah: Center for Persons with Disabilities at Utah State University in Logan

July 9, 2007

The Utah UCEDD partnered with the Utah Department of Health two years ago to develop and implement a statewide health promotion and wellness initiative for the exploding population of Utah Latinos. We conducted focus groups with over 200 Utah Latino adults with disabilities and family members of Latinos with disabilities to better understand the complex relationships between health, disability and Latino culture. The result was a Latino State Plan for Disability and Health and the development of the Utah Center for Disability and Health with a targeted focus on Latino issues. We've translated standard health promotion curricula into linguistic and culturally appropriate Spanish; partnered with the Mexican Consulate, Utah Governor's Office and other community groups to increase awareness of health and disability issues faced by Latinos in the United States; and, are providing targeted health promotion training to Latino adults with disabilities (in collaboration with the state independent living program) and to Latino families who have children with disabilities.