Webinar: The Safety Project

October 14, 2016





A webinar from, The University of Montana, Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities:  Partnering with Self-Advocates to Develop a Violence Prevention Program

Thursday, October 20th 2:00-3:00 (MST)


Register Here 


Webinar Description:

"Nothing about us without us" is the mantra of the disability rights movement, signifying that people with disabilities want to have a voice in decisions and activities that affect their lives. However, research has been slow to honor their inclusion. Researchers are often hesitant to include people with intellectual disabilities in research protocols due to various ethical and practical concerns, most of which can be resolved. This hesitancy holds true for research on interpersonal violence, which is already considered a sensitive topic in the general population. This exclusion does a disservice to people with intellectual disabilities who report disproportionally high rates of abuse. Please join us for a conversation about partnering with men and women in the intellectual disability community on research as we share our experiences with The Safety Project, a violence prevention group program for people with intellectual disabilities.


During this presentation we will discuss: 

  • The importance of addressing violence in the context of intellectual disability
  • The inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities through local and national advisory boards
  • Curriculum adaptation and other recommendations by the advisory boards  
  • Collaboration with centers for independent living to implement and evaluate the program   


Rebecca Goe is a Research Associate at the University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities. She has a Master's degree in sociology and is currently completing a Master's in Public Health (MPH) at the University of Montana.


Tina Hunt is a member of the Community Advisory Board (CAB) for The Safety Project. She is active in People First and enjoys playing basketball for Special Olympics.   


Trinity M. Martel is a Research Assistant and Project Coordinator of The Safety Project at the University of Montana Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities. 


Susan Robinson-Whelen is Co-Investigator of the University of Montana's The Safety Project; Assistant Professor in the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation at Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX; and Scientist at TIRR-Memorial Hermann, Houston, TX.


Rosemary B. Hughes is the Principal Investigator of The Safety Project, Senior Research Scientist at the Rural Institute for Inclusive Communities, and Research Professor in the Department of Psychology at the University of Montana.


Contact Rebecca Goe, [email protected] for additional information

Registration link: https://umt.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_2tyEIImhkWyceKp