Colorado: JFK Partners, University of Colorado at Denver Health Sciences Center in Aurora

June 18, 2007

JFK Partners provides primary health care, including prevention and wellness efforts, to individuals with developmental and other disabilities. They offer group and individual health promotion classes to teens and adults with developmental and other disabilities and their families or caregivers. JFK Partners provides in-service education to community center board staffs and school staffs on health promotion and wellness for people with disabilities.

JFK Partners staff members and faculty have published articles on health care (including wellness and prevention secondary conditions) for people with developmental and other disabilities, to bring these issues to a wider community (e.g. nurses, rehabilitation nurses; other health care providers). In their advanced practice nursing courses, they teach content on health promotion and wellness and the prevention of secondary conditions for people with developmental and developmental disabilities

JFK Partners also directs programs addressing the needs of individuals with particular disabilities or health conditions, such as yearly conferences and health consultation for people with Spina Bifida and Down Syndrome; also coordinates the statewide ad hoc Aging and Developmental Disabilities Group, composed of agencies concerned with both Developmental Disabilities and Aging.