AMCHP Scan on State Developmental & ASD Screening Activities (plus Title V State Performance Measures fact sheet)

November 21, 2014

The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) recently released a State Public Health Autism Resource Center (SPHARC) environmental scan report entitled, "State Strategies and Initiatives to Improve Development and Autism Screening, and Early Identification Systems."  This report includes initial findings from an environmental scan of 185 source documents that AMCHP conducted in the summer of 2014; the purpose of this effort was to capture the wide range of developmental screening activities occurring within all U.S. states and territories.  Over the coming year, this data will be analyzed further to develop resources that assist states in building and improving both developmental screening and early identification systems.  These tools and resources will be housed on the SPHARC website, and AMCHP will provide updates and seek feedback as the work progresses.

A companion fact sheet that discusses Title V State Performance Measures (SPM) related to developmental screening and early identification is also available.

For more information and to access these publications, visit the SPHARC website.