2015 LEND Directors and LEND/DBP Directors Strategic Thinking Meetings

2015 LEND Directors and LEND/DBP Directors Strategic Thinking Meetings


doc File LEND agenda (1,869KB) [download]

pdf File Meeting slides (1,106KB) [download]

pdf File Core Curriculum Information (TN:Vanderbilt) (140KB) [download]

Friday, January 23, 2015
9:00amET - 4:30pmET
Location: Washington, DC

These meetings allow LEND & DBP Directors to exchange information and best practices; to identify and address specific interdisciplinary and disciplinary training needs; and to foster increased cross-program coordination and collaboration.



9-12:30: LEND Directors Meeting (DBP Directors Invited)

This meeting allows Directors to exchange information and best practices; to identify and address specific interdisciplinary and disciplinary training needs; and to foster increased cross-program coordination and collaboration.

12:30-1:30: LEND & DBP lunch

1:30-4:30: LEND & DBP Directors Strategic Thinking Meeting

Directors will think strategically about training program strengths that should be maintained and/or enhanced; future directions for the field that may need consideration within training programs; and strategies for aligning training programs with the new Title V Block Grant.


Location & Reservations

Washington Court Hotel
525 New Jersey Avenue Northwest, Washington DC

Use the hotel's website here for more information and directions.

Reservation Deadline: January 2, 2015

Reservations online: Use this link to access the AUCD discounted hotel rate of $129/night.

Reservations by phone: Phone reservations must be made individually through the Hotel's Reservations Department by calling 1-800-321-3010. State that you're with AUCD (code AUCD15) to get the discounted rate of $129/night.

Reservations Full? While the deadline to book a room is January 2, there is no guarantee that rooms will be avilable until January 2 at the price point in our block. If you cannot get a room at the Washington Court Hotel, consider these nearby hotels:


Registration: deadline January 12