2010 Pacific Rim International Conference on Disabilities

Monday, April 12, 2010- Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Location: Honolulu, Hawaii

Please visit www.pacrim.hawaii.edu for information, topic areas and proposal deadlines.

The 2010 Conference will have several pre and post conference forums, including the International Forum on the Rights of People with Disabilities, Capacity Building Institutes, a Youth Advocacy Forum, an international film festival, and much, much more. We have a new Conference Design.

The 2010 Pacific Rim International Conference program design has been reorganized into three broad, thematic areas:

  • Foundation, the topical areas the Center for Disability Studies (CDS) has been or is currently engaged in
  • Exploration, probing topics that CDS has not previously addressed but have impact on the security and well-being of all people with disabilities
  • Innovation which seeks to showcase new ideas, concepts, solutions, ideas and applications that can benefit people with disabilities during this economic downturn