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Protection and Advocacy System. A nationwide network of congressionally mandated, legally based disability rights agencies. P&As have the authority to provide legal representation and other advocacy services to all people with disabilities. Parent organization: NDRN. http://www.napas.org/.

Plans for Achieving Self-Support. A PASS is a plan for the future. A plan lets a person with a disability use his/her income or other things he/she own to help him/her reach work goals. For example, he could set aside money to go to school to get specialized training for a job or to start a business. The job that he wants should allow him to earn enough to reduce or eliminate the need for benefits provided under both the Social Security and Supplemental Security Income (SSI) programs. A plan is meant to help get items, services, or skills needed to reach goals. Learn more about PASS.

Personal Care Attendant. A PCA helps an individual with a disability with many of the basic daily routines such as getting in or out of bed, bathing, dressing, driving, shopping, or cleaning. The work done by the PCA allows an individual with disabilities to be more independent and live an active, productive life. The use of a PCA may allow for a family member to return to work. It could also be the deciding factor if an individual can live independently or needs to be in an institutional setting such as a nursing home. Learn more about PCAs.

Pediatric Pulmonary Center. PPCs are Title V training programs funded by MCHB (HRSA). The mission of the PPCs is to develop leaders who will improve the health of children with respiratory conditions through the provision of family-centered care. All MCHB training programs aim to promote comprehensive, coordinated, family centered, and culturally sensitive systems of health care that serve the diverse needs of all families within their communities. PPC traineeships are available in pulmonary medicine, nursing, nutrition, pharmacy, respiratory care, physical therapy, and social work. http://ppc.mchtraining.net/.