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Specific Materials for Promoting Self-Determination


The Resource Guide is intended to provide information about interventions to promote the self-determination of people with developmental disabilities.  Authors and developers of such interventions are invited to submit information about their intervention for consideration for inclusion in the Resource Guide.  Instructions and the data entry form are here.Arrow

Please note, the interventions in this Resource Guide have been screened to ensure they address self-determination.  The resources are organized so that you can review interventions and decide if they fit with your needs.  Presence in the Resource Guide does not imply, in any way, endorsement by the National Gateway on Self-Determination Project.  The intent is to provide detailed information that you can use to find an intervention that is appropriate for your needs.

Check a category below, search by keyword, or click here for a listing of all resources.

By keyword:

By product type:

By person-specific elements of self-determination:

By environmental elements supporting self-determination addressed by the product:

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By life area(s):

By age group: