Module III: Orientation to the UCEDD Goal of Module: The goal of this module is to give new and existing CAC members an understanding of your UCEDD and their role in providing input into the UCEDD’s 5 Year Plan. Objectives of Module: At the completion of this module, participants will be able to: 1. Describe one way your UCEDD impacts the community 2. Identify the Core Functions 3. Identify the Areas of Emphasis your UCEDD works on 4. Briefly describe a 5 Year Plan 5. Describe resources provided to CAC by the UCEDD to fulfill its function NOTE: This module is designed to be a facilitated conversation around the UCEDD and the 5 Year Plan. To this end, training occurs during the discussion rather than through an instructor-led session. It is recommended that the UCEDD Director lead this discussion. Participation by an experienced CAC member to assist in providing information during the discussion is encouraged. Module Outline Introduction (10 min.) Topic 1: Orientation to your UCEDD (10 min.) Topic 2: Themes of the DD Act (5 min) Topic 3: Core Functions (10 min.) Topic 4: Areas of Emphasis (5 min.) Topic 5: The 5-Year Plan (10 min.) Topic 6: Communication with the CAC (10 min.) Summary (<1 min.) Questions & Comments from Participants (10 min.) Criterion Check (5 min.) Preparations: Materials for Module III: Note paper Pens Copies of the PowerPoint slides Flip chart paper Criterion Checks (“How Did We Do?”) Administrative Details: Review content of module and make notes for yourself Review agenda and time line for module Discuss criterion checks, instructor and module evaluations Hand Outs: Copies of the PowerPoint slides Criterion Checks Sample Core Grant Application Planning Outline Begin Slides. Introduction Slides # 1-2 Introductions: Explain that the purpose of Module III is to provide new and existing CAC members with an understanding of your UCEDD and how the UCEDD Director works with the CAC. Do introductions. Slide #3: Topics of Presentation Review the topics to be covered in Module III. Explain that you are first going to go discuss your UCEDD and then talk about how the UCEDD Director works with the CAC. Topic 1: Orientation to the UCEDD Slides #4-5: UCEDD Organizational Structure: This is an opportunity to introduce your UCEDD to the CAC members. Use the questions on the slides as prompts for facilitating the discussion. You may want to insert the answers to these questions before the presentation. Slide #6: UCEDD Organizational Structure: Insert your organizational chart into the slides before presenting. Use this as a visual tool to orient the participant to the UCEDD in the context of the university affiliation, other projects and key staff responsibilities and expertise. If possible have these key staff attend this training session and talk a little bit about themselves and their experience in the field. Slide #7: Resources: Refer back to discussions in Module I and II about the concept of leveraging funds. If you have not reviewed Modules I or II, introduce the concept of leveraged funds here. Use the slide to explain where you get funding for the core functions. Topic 2: Themes of the DD Act Slides #8-9: Themes of the DD Act: Explain that three themes are expressed in the DD Act: advocacy, capacity building, and systemic change. Advocacy can be for change (new programs) or to keep things the same (keeping a program from being cut). Capacity building can include training more people to work in the field, finding ways to serve more people, or teaching people how to help themselves. Systems change involves making changes on a large scale. To change a system, there must be a voice for change, a plan for making changes, some evidence that the plan might work, and a number of people or groups working together to make the change happen. Topic 3: Core Functions Slides #11-12: What are the Core Functions?: Explain that one of the rules in the DD Act is that UCEDDs carry out four core functions. Slide #13: What are the Core Functions?: Give brief introduction to the core functions and state that you will go into each in depth in the coming slides. Try the following exercise to enhance your introduction to the specific core functions: Create a number of full or half page “activity profiles” of the work your center does. The profile may have a piece of clip art and a 1-2 sentence description. Assemble 4 shopping bags and label each one with a different core function. As you proceed through the following slides and describe activities in your UCEDD under each Core Function, ask participants to put the activity profiles in the appropriate shopping bag. Ask participants to state why they think it goes in a particular bag. Have a discussion as to why each depicted project or activity falls under its core function. Slide #14: The Core Functions are the building blocks of a UCEDD: Use the diagram on this slide to show how the core functions may be separate activities. More often they are interwoven and carried out simultaneously through various projects and activities. To this end, UCEDD projects are often “mini-UCEDDs.” The focus of all activities is to have an impact on the lives of people with DD Slide #15: Interdisciplinary Training: Give examples of what this core function looks like at your UCEDD. General description: Training people who are in programs where they are following a particular field study (e.g., speech-language, occupational therapy, education, economics, law). They come to the UCEDD for an interdisciplinary experience – that is to interact and learn along with students from other fields of studies. Training programs in the network include: Certificate programs. Undergraduate, graduate, and practicum programs. Training rotations for physicians, allied health professionals, and others. Slides #16-17: Community Services Give examples of what this core function looks like at your UCEDD. General description: Community services can take on a variety of forms at a UCEDD. Providing information, training, and/or services to help service providers, state agencies, and others to be able offer the best possible supports and care in community-based settings: Technical Assistance May include providing expert input on best practices to local providers, the community, and state government. Training May include educating the community, professionals in the field, and individuals with disabilities and their families. Service May include providing clinical services, assessments, assistive technology, and model demonstration programs. Slide #18: Research: Give examples of what this core function looks like at your UCEDD. General description: Basic and applied strategies to answer questions. Checks to see if a program is effective or not. Analyze public policies. Participatory Action Research (PAR). Slide #19: Information Dissemination: Give examples of what this core function looks like at your UCEDD. General description: Information sharing about best practices and emerging promising practices: Research published in journals. Attend or host conferences. Speaking engagements. Newsletters and websites. Topic 4: Areas of Emphasis Slide #20: What are the Areas of Emphasis?: Explain that the DD Act outlines and defines 8 areas of emphasis plus “other.” The Act states that all UCEDDs must work in at least one area of emphasis across all core functions. Slides #21-22: What are the Areas of Emphasis?: Point out the areas of emphasis are natural components of a person’s life in the community. Slide #23: What Areas of Emphasis is our UCEDD working on?: Identify the areas of emphasis your UCEDD is working on and explain why. Give examples of the work of your UCEDD under Areas of Emphasis. Topic 5: The 5-Year Plan Slides #24-25: What is a 5-year plan for a UCEDD?: Give an introduction to the importance of understanding that a 5-year plan is central to their role in advising the UCEDD. Give general information about the 5-year plan. Explaining that is an application to ADD for funding. Slide # 26: What is a 5-year plan for a UCEDD?: Review the requirements in the DD Act for the 5-year plan. 27-29 General development steps of a 5-year plan: * Give a general overview of how a UCEDD might develop the 5-year plan and how core functions and areas of emphasis are the building blocks of this plan. Slide #26: What is a 5-year plan for a UCEDD?: Review the Requirements in the DD Act for the 5-year Plan Slides #27-29: General Development Steps of a 5-year Plan: Give a general overview of how a UCEDD might develop the 5-year plan and how core functions and areas of emphasis are the building blocks of this plan. Direct participants to handout “Sample Core Grant Application Planning Outline.” Emphasize that this is given as an example and that there is no “one size fits all” for this process. Mention that a primary function of the CAC as determined by the DD Act is to participate in the design and development of the 5-year plan. The tailor the presentation to explain how you develop the 5-year plan. Use this as an opportunity to introduce what has been your process in the past, who are people that have experience serving on or working with your CAC that can be a resource for new members, other institutional knowledge, etc. Provide an overview of the goals in your 5-year plan. Tell participants when the next 5-year Plan will be developed, the timeline you foresee and when you expect to meet with your CAC in regards to the development of the plan. Topic 6: Communication with the CAC Slides 30-31: Working with the CAC: Use these slide to introduce participants to your CAC by reviewing the history of the CAC and discussing how you benefit from the CAC. Use this opportunity to talk in general about how you use other external advisors to guide the work of your UCEDD. This will serve as an introduction to your process for accessing external input and advice for your work. Include a review of the meeting schedule Slide #32: Support for the CAC: Explain what kind of supports (financial and other) you provide for the CAC. This is an opportunity to discuss COCA and who is your representative to the Council, if desired. Slide #33: How does the UCEDD share information with the CAC?: Explain to the CAC how you communicate (e.g., meetings, listservs, newsletters, etc.) with members in between meeting and in preparation for meetings. Slide #34: Questions for CAC from UCEDD Director: Use this slide to facilitate a discussion with participants about what they need to maximize their participation. Summary Questions & Comments from Participants Criterion Check It is suggested that participants complete a brief questionnaire regarding the topics discussed in this module. This is a way to make sure participants have learned the basic content and gives both the instructor and participant a chance to go over what might have been unclear or over-looked. Emphasize that these surveys are to help the participants and the instructors determine if they have learned new information from this session and to assist the instructors in improving their presentations and curriculum. You can conduct the criterion check in a way that works best with your participants. Some suggested uses: Make a game out of it (like a quiz show). Ask for each participant to volunteer an answer for each question then write the answers on a flip chart and go over what people feel they have not fully understood Have people work in small groups to answer the questions Make sure each participant has the tools to participate. For example, someone might need a large print version or the questions read out loud to them. Module III Criterion Check “How Did We Do?” Topics: Orientation to your UCEDD Core Functions Areas of Emphasis The 5-Year Plan Communication with the CAC 1. Describe one way the UCEDD impacts the community: 2. Describe resources provided to CAC by the UCEDD to fulfill its function: 3. Identify the core functions: 4. Identify the areas of emphasis the UCEDD is working on: 5. Briefly describe a 5-year plan: Consumer Advisory Orientation Curriculum Instructor’s Manual Consumer Advisory Committee Orientation Curriculum Instructor’s Manual