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Self-Determination in Practice - Video Collection


Self-Determination in Practice provides real stories and ideas related to self-determination and the lives of individuals with disabilities. The National Gateway on Self-Determination also has a number of videos on the NGSD YouTube channel: http://www.youtube.com/user/GatewaytoSD


What is Self-Determination
In this video Self-Advocates tell you what Self-Determination means to them, and why it is important.
Justin's Story
Justin tells his amazing story and how he persevered when others told him he could not do what he has come to do as of today.
Carmen's Story
Carmen, a self-advocate from Arizona, describes her relationship with her husband and how she chooses to live her life.
Employment and Self-Determination
Employment and Self-Determination is the second in a series of topic-related videos for the National Gateway to Self-Determination. Self-advocates tell in their own words why self-determination is essential for employment and how it has impacted their own experience in the workplace.
Ellen - Carrboro, North Carolina
No description available.
Katie - Gilbert, Arizona
No description available.